I'm having a hard time at the moment, and I thought writing it all down may help.

Patch would have been 2 on the 16th of March. She will forever live in our hearts as our gorgeous ever cheeky and affectionate "pupstar"

Thanks for reading,

On Tuesday the 8th of February at approximately 7:05am I had to say farewell to my baby girl Patch. She came in to our lives in June 2009 after a friends fiance found her chained up and left in the Mall in Shepparton. Her fiance wouldnt let her keep Patchy girl so along I came :)
It took some major sucking up and convincing on my half but I won, I finally had a fur baby of my own to love and cherish. We brought her home on the 25th of June. She was about 3 months old. I remember hubby was very anti puppy, and we had specially taken the old wagon in to have her sit in the back on a blanket. When we went to pick her up after work she wouldnt sit in the boot, she kept sooking, so I got to keep her on the front seat with me. Of course I was so excited, and kept praying she wouldnt pee on me, but it was from then on that our bond formed.

Patch wormed her way into everyone's heart. She was anyones friend. All you had to do was give her a pat and from then on she would follow you everywhere.
She picked up some fantastic tricks during her time with us. One of which included playing soccer. We started this with the golf ball, then a tennis ball, and then when we realised she didnt like returning them we brought her a soccer ball for her first birthday in March 2010 so that she could continue to push it around the yard and we could chase her having a laugh and getting fit at the same time
Patch made many friends. In particular she took a liking to our cat Ginge and our friends boxer pup Moe. Quite often when the cat was outside we could hear hissing and fast moving claws on the ground. That often meant the dog was trying to play with the cat but the cat didnt want to play!!!! Then there were other times like the image below, where you would look out the window and see the two of them laying peacefully together.
Whenever we were heading to Barooga, we would try and take Patch with us to play with Moe. The two of them got along like a house on fire and it was quite funny to watch them play.
Patch was always there for us. One of my fondest memories is one where I had been going through a tough time, so I would go outside and lay on the grass staring at the sky, Patch would quite often come over and lay her head on my chest for a head rub while I vented. It was asif she was listening to all my problems.

She was also a great helper dog, Whenever Luke was working on cars, or loading or unloading the wagon or 4WD she would be there ready to "help". Whenever we loaded bags into the car, she would jump in the back and look at us as if to say "Ok where are we going" She always followed Luke to the shed, and would sit staring at him as he worked away on an engine, or worm her way under the car as he did some work...

Patch would have been 2 on the 16th of March. She will forever live in our hearts as our gorgeous ever cheeky and affectionate "pupstar"

Thanks for reading,