Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The dreaded tonsilectomy continued

So I spent the night in Kids ward. Had trouble sleeping, because I kept waking up snoring with a sore throat and was uncomfortable. The nurses were amazing, At one stage I got in trouble for "waiting for pain relief because they were attending to a child" Apparently they were only reading a book and could have come sooner - oh well.
The surgeon came around at about 8:30 and gave me the all clear to go home. Poor hubby was expecting 11-12:00 so then had to get up out of bed and come in to get me lol.
We called in at work and dropped my certificate in and off home we went for me to sleep.
At this stage all I wanted to do was sleep, and this lasted a good 3-4 days. On about day 3 after the operation (Friday) I finally lost my voice.........much to hubby's joy.

My mum came to visit on the Sunday after my operation, (the 4th October) This was interesting. Hadnt seen her in quite a few months and all I wanted to do was talk, But it hurt to talk and I still barely had a voice! I also was still extremely sleepy and not the best company at all. (sorry mum!)

Monday- Tuesday-Wednesday were spent home alone resting and watching DVD's. I thought the pain would have died down by now, but it was no where near subsiding...

I went to the doctors on Wednesday the 7th (one week to the day since the operation) because I was in extreme pain. I couldnt relax and pain killers were doing nothing, It had been a week since the operation and I thought it should have started to subside. Turns out I had an ear infection - UGH! So I was then on more antibiotics and the doctor gave me some Panadene Forte to assist with night time pain and sent me on my way.

On the Thursday my Nephew and his mummy came to visit. Was good to have someone out here with me. Pain was still around an 8/10 but I fought through it and just kept the pain relief up. I must have looked like a dork through the first week and a half because everywhere I went I wore a beanie and scarf (to keep neck and ears warm) even if it was sunny *blush*

Friday the 10th I finally started to feel slightly better. I had managed to do a load of washing and stay out of bed all day. (Up until now I had been having nanna naps) I continued onward and upwards until it all came crashing down again on Tuesday the 13th October... I had an extremely heavy bleed when in bed that night. Was talking to hubby thinking wow my mouth tastes funny, and then he pointed out that my mouth was full of blood :o
After lots of sucking on ice and speaking to Nurse On Call the bleeding stopped and I didnt have to go to hospital (Thank goodness!!)

There was another bleed Wednesday the 14th and I panicked because I was home alone and went to the doctors. By the time I got to the doctor (half hour away) the bleeding had eased and by the time they got to see me they were happy it had stopped. I also commented on still having pain in the ear, they had a look for me (I had been a week on the new anti biotics) and said that the swelling and redness had gone so therefore the pain I was experiencing would have been "Referred pain" from my throat. I went home and rested for the remainder of the week.

Friday 16th I had to go to Bendigo for my dads 50th. The schedule was to head to his party on Saturday, then drive home that arvo for our best friends 30th Saturday night. This was exhausting. I felt like crap at the end of the weekend but so glad I went. The Saturday night was hairy, Hubby had been drinking and I was buggered so we were supposed to stay the night at our friends house. I had extreme pain in the left ear and jaw at about 11:20 that night and was in tears so hubby arranged for us to get a lift and come home. I felt like such a drama queen but so glad we came home. Even panadene forte wouldnt kill the pain :o

I had the Monday left to rest up before heading back to work on Tuesday the 20th. I made the most of the rest day and happily went back to work the next day. Relatively pain free.... Had ditched the panadene extra and panadene forte and was only taking 1-2 panadol each day as required.

It is now 4 weeks since my operation. I feel extremely well. Tomorrow is my follow up with the surgeon. I have a few queries to ask him - I still have a slight niggling pain in the throat (though maybe this is from excessive talking at work on the phone??) and cant yawn without ending in "Ouch" (but guessing its because I am stretching scars or something) other than that I am hoping for the all OK.

Some shoutouts to people who kept me entertained and sane during my time off work (and many hours online!!).... @FeistyKel @Timbe2 @30yoteen@MegsyT @kathygee1 @bjhenry@babybeatlebug and Jules, Amanda, Stacey and Cindy xxx

If you got this far - congratulations!!! Thanks for reading!
