I'd like to thank my mum and my dad for having me, my husband for putting up with me..... oh whats that? I dont have to give a speech? Ok... I''ll just get on with it then shall I?? :)
I am so excited to have recieved my first ever blogging award from the gorgeous Megs at Truly Blessed Life. Her address: http://trulyblessedlife.wordpress.com/
Thank You Megan!!!!
In order to recieve this award I have to
- Thank and link back to the person who gave me the award
- Share 7 things about myself
- Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered bloggers
- Contact those bloggers and let them know about the award
Without further rambling....
Here are 7 things about me:
- I am a Scorpio
- I wear glasses
- For once in life, I am happy in my job.
- Icecream needs to be enjoyed slowly, I can not bite into them and when hubby says "hurry up" I eat them even slower ;)
- I once was so desperate to get over the flu I grabbed an onion from the kitchen, cut it up and left it in the bedroom. I was over it in 5 minutes due to the stench and threw a perfectly good onion out.
- I have fibromyalgia. It doesn't stop me from living life, but can be a real pain (literally) on the bad days.
- Everytime I watch Luke race at the drags, or on the track, my heart leaps up into my throat and I occasionally close my eyes. Thank god for video cameras and cameras with "burst" photo option LOL!!!
Life in Cats Pyjamas: http://lifeincatspyjamas.blogspot.com/
This Little Piggy: http://libbylittlepiggy.blogspot.com/
Confusion Soup: http://confusionsoup.blogspot.com/
Fat Mum Slim: http://fatmumslim.blogspot.com/
Lucy in the Suburbs: http://lucyinthesuburbs.blogspot.com/
Life as Kir: http://kirrily.blogspot.com/
Renee's Ramblings: http://ren76.blogspot.com/
Mental and Mundane Madness: http://mentalmundanemadness.blogspot.com/
Feisty Kel: http://feistykel.blogspot.com/
Racheous: http://racheous.wordpress.com/
Mez: http://mezhead-dayslikethese.blogspot.com/
Liz: http://thisthatandeverythingelse.wordpress.com/
Budget Wedding Planning: http://budget-wedding-planning.blogspot.com/
We heart Life: http://weheartlife.com/
Bits and pieces of J: http://bitsnpiecesofj.blogspot.com/
Thanks for reading,

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