Sunday, January 4, 2009


Well I was restless and bored as soon as I woke today so I hopped on the scales after my morning pee... lol sorry if thats TMI!

I was so excited to see....... 119.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So in a matter of 2 days I have gone from the 121.8 down to a 119.6 - proof the lifestyle change is doing something for me!! I can only imagine what I will be at by a week - and then by a month - and then a year..... woohoooo!!

I spent the day wandering around Shepp with Lukes mum today, we did the all important grocery shopping. Finally got my hands on some atkins empower choc bars - OMG! Tastes just like real choc and is allowable in the program!!!!!!!!! I also brought home some "Skinny Cow" icecreams to keep in the freezer as a treat for after tea and alot more allowable fruit and veggies.

Ill take some photos of myself tonight and post them up to show as a visual result guide.(Forgot to do this on day 1 - oops!)

Til next time,
Happy Slimming!