Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So... the pathology report came back about my appendix...

And it turns out I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG The appendix was infected, nothing major to worry about -they werent at bursting stage, but the tip of it was infected which is apparently how it all starts and eventually gets to the bursting stage......... If only the first surgeon I saw had have listened to me 4 weeks ago in emergency then I would have been back at work 2 weeks ago!!!!!!!!!
On the recovery front, doing well - the wounds have healed nicely according to the surgeon and nurse that I saw and I am back at work on Tuesday (Which both my boss and myself are thrilled about!!!!!) The surgeon said the pain which I still have is normal and it could be 6-8 more weeks before I get more strength in my tummy muscles again. Oh and the BEST news - I AM NOW ALLOWED TO DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have missed being independant, I hate having to rely on people all of the time to get around.